LincolnElementary School

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Dress Code

Lincoln Elementary School and

Caldwell School District Dress Code Policy


District Policies listed below are abbreviated.  Policies in full can be read online at




Caldwell School District strives to maintain an education environment that is well functioning and free from unnecessary distractions and annoyances. As part of that effort, the District requires students to maintain a neat and clean appearance that is appropriate for the school setting and for the tasks being performed and to encourage the professional dress that will be expected in the workplace as adults.


1.1       Students will be given the opportunity to make respectful choices with regard to collars, sleeves, patterns, designs, and logos on upper and lower body clothing as well as outerwear, within the Board of Trustees’ expectations.


1.2       The following expectations will be enforced when the student is on school premises or any

school sponsored event, regardless of location.


1.2.1    Students are not to wear or carry items of apparel, clothing, accessories, cosmetics,

tattoos – temporary and/or permanent, body markings, jewelry – including body piercings, which depict or allude to, by picture, symbol, or word:


  • drugs – including alcohol and tobacco;
  • controlled substances;
  • drug paraphernalia;
  • gangs;
  • violence;
  • sexually explicit, lewd, indecent content;
  • promoting or encouraging bullying;
  • denigrating to an individual’s race, ethnicity, gender, and/or religious affiliation;
  • illegal acts;
  • identified as derogatory, offensive, oppressive in nature, or abusive.


1.2.2    The wearing, using, carrying, or displaying any other gang clothing or attire, or style, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign, codes, tattoos, or other things or items which evidence membership or affiliation in any gang is prohibited on any school premises or at any school sponsored activity at any time.


1.2.3    The wearing, using, carrying or display of any professional sport league including the

NFL, NBA, MLB, MLS, and NHL, or other professional sport league clothing or attire, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign, codes, tattoos, or other things or items is prohibited on any school premises or at any school sponsored activity at any time.


1.2.4    Head coverings are inappropriate in the school building during regular school hours, unless specifically authorized by the building administrator/designee.


1.2.5    Clothing for the upper body shall have a modest neckline, cover the chest, midriff, and back, with no undergarments showing.


Upper Body Clothing Expectations:

  •           All items must fit properly.
  •           School spirit shirts or college/university clothing are permitted.
  •           Muscle shirts, tank tops, spaghetti straps, or strapless tops are not permitted.

1.2.6    Clothing for the lower body shall not reveal buttocks or undergarments, or have rips or tears above the knee.


Lower Body Clothing Expectations:

  •      All items must fit properly.
  •      Includes: jeans, pants, capris, skirts, shorts, skorts, and culottes.
  •      Leggings or yoga style workout attire may not be worn as pants
  •      All items shall not be shorter than three (3) inches above the knees. (The student ID card can be used to measure this length). 

1.2.7    Outerwear - Sweatshirts and sweaters are permitted indoors.

Administrator discretion reserved in all questions or concerns regarding outerwear.


1.2.8    Students are required to wear shoes or other appropriate footwear in school buildings at all times, unless authorized by the building administrator/designee.